Monday, June 24, 2013

Restaurant: Sawadee

After a busy weekend has passed by, today is another day of work and another post of restaurant review. This evening, I went to a Thai restaurant. "Why?" some of you might ask, "Why are you eating somethingw you can eat for much cheaper in your own country?". The answer is simple: I want to see what Thai food in another country is like.

I enter the shop and the staff started greeting "Irasshaimase" until she saw me did a Wai (Thai greeting). Great! This shop is ran by a Thai so it should have pretty good Thai food. (Which is also disappointing since I won't have any strange experience to tell.) I was then served water in a... very Thai way. The container is called a "khan" which is the traditional Thai container for water, but no one uses it for drinking nowadays.

The shop attendant said that there used to be a lot of Thai kids studying at Tsukuba University, but not so many now. Apart from selling Thai food, this shop also sell Thai spices and Thai sauces from Thailand.

After looking at the menu, I've settled for the staple Thai food — Kao Pad Kaprao with Fried Egg (ข้าวผัดกะเพราไข่ดาว). I was also told that I can order any Thai food (อาหารตามสั่ง) and they'll make it if they have the ingredients.

It tastes pretty good and is authentic Thai food. However, the fried egg tasted a little bit strange, maybe due to Japanese eggs. Interestingly, Japanese chicken egg is white instead of light brown.

So now I know that if I miss Thai food, I have somewhere to go. The price is a little bit hefty though at ¥1,100 for this dish. Next time, let's continue exploring Japanese cuisines!

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